Monday, April 1, 2013
Wawota, SK
Click cover for e-Catalog
Eastondale Angus Sixth Annual
On the Farm Bull & Female Sale
Eastondale Angus
Dale, Shelly & Erika Easton - Wawota, SK:: email
Home: 306-739-2805 Cell: 306-577-7456
Please visit our website
Guest Consignor
Rockn Ox Ranch - Whitewood, SK
Clint, Shelli, Georgia & Ruby Oxtoby :: 306-853-7207
Oakwood Grange Angus - Manson, MB
Martin & Jane Penfold :: 204-722-2036
1 pm at the Farm, Wawota, SK
Video Sale - call or email for DVD
Sale Consultant
Castlerock Marketing - Shane & Tammy Castle
Ph: 306-784-2241 :: Cell: 306-741-7485 :: website
Offering 59 Lots
49 Yearling Angus Bulls
10 Open Angus Heifers
38 Yearling Bulls averaged $3,821
10 Yearling Heifers averaged $2,660
>> Complete sale report