Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Foam Lake, SK
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Double C Red Angus Bull Sale
Double C Red Angus :: Foam Lake, SK
Cameron & Carla Patterson
Phone :: 306-272-3948 :: Cell :: 306-272-7141
email :: Website:
1:30 pm at the Farm, Foam Lake, SK
Lunch served at noon
Selling 39 Red & Black Angus Bulls
Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB
26 Yearling Red Angus Bulls averaged $3,170
5 Yearling Red Black Red Angus Carriers averaged $2,950
High Selling Bull:
Red Double C Jaroc 92Z sired by Red RSL Jared 802X out of a Red Double C Cherokee 890N daughter purchased by High Calibre Red Angus, Estterhazy, SK for $6,000